Dienstag, 24. Juli 2007

Damn right, its better than yours!

Haha, yes a new lay-out AGAIN. Im still experiamenting, so bear with me. God its 5am. I am on dial-up, and its slow as a mother fucker using viagra. Again, its 5am, and bear with my lame jokes. Im at the point where EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is funny. Like that milkshake song. LOL...So I FINALLY saw Saved!. It was sooo funny. It reminded me of the old Alma Mata, or however the hell you say that. My old schools. Yes, I went to private schools. Annoying as hell. LOL. Today I got up and cooked Matty a "hungrey bear" breakfast. I made chocolate chip pancakes, cheese eggs, and orange juice. I put strawberries and wipped cream all around the plate, and then sprinkled powdered sugar on them. I also made him a little bear pancake (not so easy!). Then I lit these heart candles I made. Haha. It was our 3 month aniversary, dumb I know, but I wanted to do something special. I think he liked it. He thought I was a dork though. I think I am getting carpotunnel symdrome, my hand hella hurts. Anyway, then we watched "Splash" (yes again), and cuddled. Then he had to go to work since he is working a lock-down tonight (12am-8am). I hope he is having fun. He wanted me to go, but I didnt want to. Now I wish I did, cause I miss my boy! :(Then I went to my neighbors for dinner, and christian and Autum came. So that was fun. I had a few drinks, and that was also fun. I wish I had some drinks right now. LOL j/k....So ya. Im going to call my BF now so I can go to bed and hopefully go shopping tomarrow. Byes!"My milshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like 'its better than yours' damn right, its better than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge"

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2007

Birthday pics!

Here are some pics (courtesy of Jess http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v257/luachmhar/) from my birthday! Mine will be up soon! but check out her photbucket, and mine too!http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v240/lullabye/Enjoy!This is a group pic Left to right : Matt, Ken, Jess, Flint, Michelle, and Chris.This is me and Ken with a frothy beer! Mmmmm!

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2007

steamy mad

I swear to god! Im seeing saved! tommarow!!Anyone want to come?

Montag, 2. Juli 2007

Happy 21st to me!

Haha, so yesterday was my birthday. I guess it almost didnt happen. Anita was pissed off at me, I never found out why. She has been in bed all day (what a shock!) And no one is talking to me. WHATEVER. I NEED to move out.ANYWAYSo Dweeze came over the night before. I was crying for various reasons, and he cheered me up alot. He slept in my room (oh no, scandelous! somebody better tell on me!) And that was cool I guess. I woke up to my dad like yelling at me to get up, maybe he wasnt too happy to see Matt in my room, but nothing was ever said to me.So anyway, too make a long story short...Michelle, Jess, Chris, Kenji, Matt, Jeff and Samantha, and Flint all went to the beach. Oh and my fam did too.It was fun. Jess got tipsy and that was relaly funny. At one point she was screaming about "why is there all these rocks at the beach! And sand? Whats with that!?" LOL...Michelle and Chris seemed to get along, and that was really cute ;)We had a day of drinking and bar bqing. And we had cake. Oh ya, I rode all the way past petaluma (to Tamales) with a cake on my lap. Nothing happened to it. Then Jeff stepped on it! I thought I was gonna cry! *sniff sniff* But it was cool. At least he didnt mess up the "Happy Birthday" on it.So then we all climed the huge ass rocks (more like cliffs) to go to "Star Fish City". There was only like 4, very usual. But it was cool. The tide was already in, and I didnt feel like going over the rocks again. So I took my skirt off, and said I would see everyone later. I went into the ocean (eevn with my little rose crown on that anita made for me) and was almost killed my the damn waves hitting me against the rocks. Then I came out and I was swiming in the ocean, and that was fun. This black guy was fishing and he was all "WOW I caught a merrr-maid!" LOL. Then these 12 year old boys said something about me being on bay watch or whatever. LOL.So that was fun.I Got alot of cool stuff, and good memories. ;)Oh and one of my fave movies "Splash" Matt bought for me :) He also got me some bracelets, a hat, and comics. Teehee!Ok well I am tired now ;)

Sonntag, 1. Juli 2007

Good news for people who love bad news...

Cookie Generator by HuttaThat pretty much sums up how I am feeling at this moment.

Freitag, 29. Juni 2007

B is for.....

Bitch.Ok so I was a bitch today. I dont even know why. I dont know whats wrong lately.It just seems like the closer my birthday gets, the more emotional and bitchy I become. I feel fat, I feel old. I feel like I havent accoplished anything in my life.Its like a mid-life crisis, at 20 years old. Soon to be 21 I guess you could say.Yes, Im a Cancer, very emotional and all that fancy ass talk. But come on, this much?I dont understand it. I look in the mirror, and I cry. I feel like I cannot fit into anything. But the fact is, I AM losing weight. In reality, I dont weight that much. And I have never cared THIS much about my weight. Or my looks. I shouldnt. I dont care. But I do I guess, since I am so upset.I yelled at Matt all day, and yes, I feel bad. But at the same time, he said he would go with me to Devina's "going away" bar bq thingy. I am nervous. I want to go, I want to say "goodbye" to her. I even made her a little shitty thing. But at the same time, I am nervous around all "those" people now. We arent friends. I feel like I am a tag-a-long, even though I was invited. But back to Matt. He said he never said that and didnt want to go, so I said I would stay home and we could do something. Then he said fine. Then claimed he didnt say that. He had to go "practive for C.S." WTF. ya ok. I do understand. I just feel like he only sleeps here, and, uh, "other activities" here, and that all. I know its not like that. But I feel like I cannot be all cute with him, and want him here unless he feels the same at that moement.So he left, and I didnt really know he was leaving. So I call him on my dads cell, and we argued, and it tirned into me saying I didnt want him to come to my birthday.Which leads me to this.I dont even feel like I am having one. I dont mean to sound like a brat, but it is a big birthday for me. It just seems like no one cares. I know some do, like Jess, and I am sure Michelle, and probably Matt, but I dont know.Well Jess is here so I got to run!

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2007

I hate communities

So Ive been struggling trying to make a damn community on this stupid site.Cookie Generator by HuttaTHATS WEIRD! I KNOW A JESS!!! hahahaha

If you can dodge a wrench...

Well last night Jess, Matt, Chip, and I went out to dinner at "China Wall Buffet" (sooo good) and then saw "Dodge Ball". Matt paid for my dinner, and I thought that was a nice change. The movie was funny. I was just kinda tired. Matt and Jess went shopping for my sucky ass birthday (I will get to that later) in Berkeley. Chip met up with them. They both seem like they had fun, so I am happy ;)Davina is having a "going away"party tomarrow night. I guess she told Jess to tell me. I want to go, but at the same time, I dont. I am just nervous all the time around those people now. I get really quiet and such. Oh well. I will have to make my mind up about that soon. I mean, we arent relaly friends anymore, but it would be shitty of me not to go. But then again, she and the rest of the "group" dont care about me...so I guess I am confused. My dad said I should go, maybe take matt, but I dont know what to do. Today I cleaned the house and made stuff for my dad for fathers day. Matt actually helped me clean! He swept the kitchen and washed the doors. Thanks hunny for helping me today! I miss u!I dont relaly feel like talking about my crappy ass birthday yet.Just that its not working out...Take the quiz: "What do your anime breasts look like, eh?"HugeYou have huge boobs- they kind that will break your back if you don't wear the right bra. Haha... Big boobs sag. You have saggy boobs! SAGGY BOOBS!

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007


Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "Pog mo thoin Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk?So today I am supposed to go shopping for my birthday. But no one is getting up. I mean, Anita is up. On the phone. And she just tells me that we have to go to the storage unit today. WOW what? News to me. And do the shelves. Oh and Dom wont be here to help. OF COURSE NOT HES A LAZY MOTHER FUCKER WHO DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HELP OUT AROUND HERE AND I AM SICK OF HIS PUNK ASS! (ok sorry I was angry).Not to mention that my BF is on the couch trying to recover from lasts night little adventure at the bar. "Baby, I will help you, I promise". Ya what happened to that?You would like Pinkie Pie best. Which 2003 My Little Pony would you like best? brought to you by Quizilla

Montag, 25. Juni 2007

Tired as a mother fucker

So first and formost, I would like to thank KENJI and JESSICA sooooo much for helping me move on Tuesday! I couldnt have done it without you guys, thanks sooo much! You guys made it alot of fun.That day was bad enough for me though. I was tired, most of my stuff wasnt there, my camera ate my film that I spent the last of my money on, and it was fucking hot. Not to mention my knees were already shot and out before that. That night, I had to go through ALL my stuff cause we were supposed to take the rest to my dads storage and to goodwill. BUT WE DIDNT. I didnt sleep for 2 damn days! Boy was I tired. Then matt spent the night, and we had a good time. He FINALLY started to help me clean and fold clothes, so I was happy. I also had killer cramps from hell, and he was so helpful. He said he wanted to make sure I was ok before we went to bed, and he just hugged me for along time. He also massaged my tummy ;)Tonight, we started to put up my shelves and are going to finish tommarow. Then go BIRTHDAY SHOPPING FOR ME!!! YEAH!!! BIG 21!!! LOL...But matt and I had a good 2 days together. We played Nintendo, and he said it was the first time he has seen me play video games. He looked at my old photo-albums, but then he got upset. He said I was a spoiled brat cause I went to dances (err banquets I guess...). Honestly, I think he was mad cause there was lots of pictures of me and 'the ex". He said I looked happy in all those pictures, and that Im not now. Which isnt the case at all, and I hope he realizes that.He is on his way over right now, piss drunk of course. He was all "BABY, YOUR THE ONLY ONE FOR ME" while all I hear is like girls in the background gigling. And so I asked him about his little "fan club" behind him, and he was like "No theres only 30 or so gilrs". WTF..ya...So he kept asking to come over and I said no, and he was like "Im going to show up anyway, and I will sleep on the porch then" and all this other crazy stuff. It was funny though. I am kinda sad. I always pictured my 21st bithday with all my friends and stuff. We are going to the beach on my birthday, WEDNESDAY THE 23rd, and I know its the middle of the week, but I really wanted to go then. No one can go. I understand, people will beout of town, they work. BUT I am still bummed out alot. I always picture it to be so awesome. The fact that I am freaking out about turning 21 isnt helping either. I dont know why I am, but I am. Oh well I guess.I need sleep! See what drug you are.Oh Kelli came over tonight to give me my bday present! First off, the bag was sooo cute! Then there was more! It was butterfly tattoos, a "Kiss me its my birthday" button (lips) and a HELLA cute skirt that I am planning on wearing on my birthday! She is going to be out of town :( but it meant alot to me that she came by. I was already upset (I found pics of my dead dog and was totally balling b4 she got here) and I miss her alot. I wish we oculdve spent more time together, but hopefully soon we will!Flint and Pollit came to. Flint barely talked to me, so I dont know what that was about. Pollit was saying he wanted to buy me a shot for my birthday, lol. He is so cute.Well Im off to bed, as soon as drunk Mc drunks alot gets here....

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2007

hooo hummm

this is my way to liveWhat about yours?made by rav-chanum..I dont think soo..

Freitag, 22. Juni 2007

Much Sleep Needed!

OK, so I didnt sleep much and I have to move all my stuff today!Oh the other day, Dweeze, chris and I saw "Stepford Wives", it was pretty funny.So Jess and Matt are bith here and they are alseep lol. Last night Jess and I went to the darkroom again. They guy was a dick and closed like 20 minutes early. I got some film, so I am gonna play around. Doug told Jess and I that you CAN develop color film in black and white and it comes out. I didnt know Doug knew how to do that, so that was really intresting! Thanks Doug! ;)Saw Kelli last night, so that was nice. Flint and I seem to be doing alot better, but I dont know. I mean, Im not mad at him, so who knows whats going on.Im kinda sad, I dont think my birthday is going to happen. We've just been so busy around here that we havent got anything fixed up, and I wanted it to look nice. I dont think anyone would come anyway. I really wanted James to come, but he isnt. But I talked to him for like a hour yesterday, and that was good. We sent pics back and forth, and it was really fun. I told him before summer was over, that I am going to go see him since he isnt going to be coming home. I really do miss him alot. :( *sniff sniff*Anyway I need to go get people up! LOL!!Cute Flirt What Kind of FLIRT are you? brought to you by QuizillaBUT OF COURSE ;)

Big Titty Mermaids!

Ok, so since Summer is practically here, I decided to change the colors to remind me of summer a little more. Being outdoors, in a pool, or on the beach...But ya. Anyway...Kenji the Great has made me an AWESOME picture, and here it is!Enjoy and Happy Summer!

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007

Double Date Disaster!!!

Hahaha, ok not really, I just liked how it sounded for some reason!SO this weekend has been a busy one!On friday, Jess, Matt, Chris, Steve Roe, and I went to the IRF show in antioch. It was a bit weird at first, but I enjoyed it. Chris got into it, and was moshing lol. It was good because Jess and I got to see Jordon, who is moving soon, and Davina too. Jess said this kid kept looking at me, and then she said it was "Little Grant" (aka corys little bro casey) and it was! He is 17 now lol..he is so cute. We spent some time chatting, and then he asked how old I was now, and I said "almost 21" and he goes "WOW, THAT OLD?"....I felt like an old woman! *cry cry* but it was good to see him all grown up!Then we all (Gordo, Stephen, Shalina, Shannon, Davina, Joel, Jess Mark, Chris, Steve, John (the new drummer) and Jarrod) went to Zull a lu lus, haha I cant remeber its name, "the old andys" and ate. Chip met us there. Then Flint was dropped off. Everyone asked where Kelli was, and I didnt know she was there, and Flint said she was in the car. Then IRF and Davina and, ok everyone, told me to tell her to come in, but she was gone :(Then we all went home.The next day, Jess and Mark invited Matt and I to go see "Saved". But it was sold out :( So then the guys were being dicks and wouldnt see "Stetford Wives". All they wanted to see was that STUPID Vin Disel movie. Ok so I said I would go see it, it doesnt look bad, but I didnt want to see it last night. So we all, well, Jess and I Vs. the boys, argued.So then we went to Blockbuster to rent a movie. More arguments. Jess and I wanted to get a comedy, and they wanted "Mystic River" WTF, no no no!!! LOL...its was a very "Mystic" kinda night.So after some more arguning, Jess and I WON! <---- hahaha...and we got "Waynes World". So we went to safeway and got some treats, and then watched it at Marks house. Then we had fun once everything was going, and I had alot of fun. Mark and Matt seem like they like each other, and that is cool.Maybe next time there will be no arguing! LOL...Then we (matt and I) went home.Today I got up and worked around the house. I moved the books, dusted, vacumed, painted my shelves (hot pink with white stars on them!), and moved a bunch of shit, like I have been doing all weekend. I am so tired, but I have alot more to do.Tomarrow I guess I am going to my dads storage to clean it a bit so I can fit my stuff I dont need right now in it. Then back to clean my room. Then on tuesday I am going to get my stuff! I am excited, even though I know alot of it isnt there, and its more work, but I am still excited.Jess just said that she isnt going to move in with Erin anymore, and asked me too!!!!!! I am majorly excited! LOLWe are gonna look for prolly a cheap lil house to rent, and look for some roomies.I figure my mid-summre, or end of summer we can get all are shit together and such. Even if she regesiters for school and we havent found something, Im sure she could stay here when she needed to and all. But we will find something!So now I just have to work on getting that car sold too!!!You are the Blue Angel. You have powers over allwater. Any place by a body of water is yourhome because the gentle sounds calm you.You're a leader among all and you would neverstear anyone wrong. Sure your moods may changelike the temperment of the sea, but no one'sperfect. Which Angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla

If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?

SO my bf doesnt want to be around me. When I want to hangout, its either "Your to clingy", or "You are sick" and my favorite "Im playing video games"/"Im going to the bar".But when he wants to hangout, theres nothing said like that. Im not even fucking sick. That just pisses me off. He wants space, then he will get it. Everytime I find myself being truly happy, it all gets ruined. I was so happy that we had a good day the other day. And I thought (since he mentioned it earlier) that we could watch a movie, and Chris could come, and I could show them some old pics and stuff I got out of storage.And thats another thing, I have to get my stuff out by next wednesday, and that means I am going to be super busy, too busy to have a nice time with him. And I dunno. I know I am overly emotional right now, with having to get my stuff, missing some of my friends, and having to turn 21 (I dunno it feels weird to me). But just to know he is there helped. But not when I hear that he doesnt want to hangout. Yes he is "tired" but is he really going to go home? NO.SO yes, of course my feelings are hurt. If it was the other way around, hed be the same way. So maybe we will see how that goes then....my boy is the fully clothed one ;)

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007

Oh ya...

I forgot part of staurday. Chris came over and took Matt and I to the "Thought Crime" show in berkeley. It was their last show as a bad, but they are starting a new one, and Chris might join. It was a fun time. I met the drummer, and he was a cool guy. Oh ya before that though, I was having a bad day, and Matt and Chris were going to Togos, but I didnt want to go. And since Matt always has bad luck, Togos was closed. So I guess they went to Mels, and Matt brought home a pink balloon for me :) I thought that was cute. Haha when he cleaned the room for me, he even took of the days of the calender. HAHA I thought it was great Jess and I hungout on monday, and that was fun. She showed me how to develope film this time at the Darkroom. I have alot of fun with her, and I am glad we geta long. I wish mark would hangout more, then him and matt could hangout and it would be cool. Yesterday I went to the storage unit (which is down the street from the darkroom...who knew!?) and I was really upset. Not only was my bed not there, bu all my Disney art (which is worth $1000, yes $1000 of dollars) was missing too. And my record player. And my Buddy Holly record. We all know who took that. (oh my asshole brother who doesnt talk to me either....how long story, mostly about money and greed.) So I was kinda upset about that.But they accidently gave me a box of records that werent mine, and turns out they are really rare, so HAHA. I talked to Justin's friend "Pokey" (Erynn) online. She is really nice. If only things between me and Justin we a bit better, maybe I could meet her when she comes to visit. I mean, were cool, yes, but who knows now that he is back. Things are always messed up in that area. Just, if he wouldnt screw me over like in the past, and I wouldnt be a bitch back, then it would be fine. I dunno. I sent him an email, but it says he hasnt checked it. Oh well.Well now I am going to go tan.Byes!

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007

shake it like a polaroid picture!

So last night, matty spent the night and that was fun. Chris was going to stay but he went out with doug to drink and find some chickitas! Tee hee...We started to watch tv, but we both fell asleep. I woke up around 3, or 3:30 and went to bed in my room. When I woke up this morning, I went and laid down with him. Then we went to my room and, slept, and just hungout. We had a pretty good day, only argued once. That was because I just got really annoyed at him when he was on the phone when I was trying to clean. Its like, he didnt even ask if I needed help. But then he cleaned my room for me, and he even changed the day on both my calenders, and I thought that was very cute ;) Then we went to Togos, and we ran into little Greg, haha. Then Jess came over and we took matt to work since he had to work tonight. Then Jess and I went to the darkroom again. The guy who worked there tonight was hecka cool. LOL. It was really fun and intresting. She showed me how to develop film this time. She said I should give it a try soon. I know I will be terriable, but I guess I should experemint some time. Then I came home. I guess about an hour before I came home, the dog was barking and anita ran out side and someone was messing around in our front yard and my dad ran outside and they ran into a car and drove away. CREEPY...Now I am hella freaked out.So tommarow I get to got to the storage unit to check out my stuff...hopefully its all in one, and all there!Well Im kinda scared right now, so I am going to bed.You're a Diamond. You seem like a cold and anunreachable person outside, yet you arebeautiful inside and outside. You may bestubborn at times. You act with grace andelegance and you are a precious asset to allyour friends. What Jewel Are You? brought to you by Quizillahere is a pic of me and jess, haha...

shake it like a polaroid picture!

So last night, matty spent the night and that was fun. Chris was going to stay but he went out with doug to drink and find some chickitas! Tee hee...We started to watch tv, but we both fell asleep. I woke up around 3, or 3:30 and went to bed in my room. When I woke up this morning, I went and laid down with him. Then we went to my room and, slept, and just hungout. We had a pretty good day, only argued once. That was because I just got really annoyed at him when he was on the phone when I was trying to clean. Its like, he didnt even ask if I needed help. But then he cleaned my room for me, and he even changed the day on both my calenders, and I thought that was very cute ;) Then we went to Togos, and we ran into little Greg, haha. Then Jess came over and we took matt to work since he had to work tonight. Then Jess and I went to the darkroom again. The guy who worked there tonight was hecka cool. LOL. It was really fun and intresting. She showed me how to develop film this time. She said I should give it a try soon. I know I will be terriable, but I guess I should experemint some time. Then I came home. I guess about an hour before I came home, the dog was barking and anita ran out side and someone was messing around in our front yard and my dad ran outside and they ran into a car and drove away. CREEPY...Now I am hella freaked out.So tommarow I get to got to the storage unit to check out my stuff...hopefully its all in one, and all there!Well Im kinda scared right now, so I am going to bed.You're a Diamond. You seem like a cold and anunreachable person outside, yet you arebeautiful inside and outside. You may bestubborn at times. You act with grace andelegance and you are a precious asset to allyour friends. What Jewel Are You? brought to you by Quizillahere is a pic of me and jess, haha...

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007

Albums...ehh sorta

Ok so for now, I have some really crappy online photo-albums. SO check them out. Not the best quality either... but what you gonna do?http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v240/lullabye/

Montag, 4. Juni 2007

like a picture...

So I took a few rolls of film to be developed at Walmart. Somehow, I mixed up the rolss and instead of the beach pictures, it was pictures from january! I was so pissed. But its ok, cause they were pics of me and Kels. I miss her. Anyway, the other roll was from Jess's party, and those came out good. Then there was some of nick and erin. There was one I took of Darla that I really liked. She was swiming in the pool, but brodie jumped in last minute in the corner of the pic :( Oh well. The other 3 rolls, they cant find. They said when they do, they will be free. "When?" Dont they mean "If?"

Freitag, 25. Mai 2007


So ok I have decided to give live journal a test try, even though its the same as blurty! But everyone tells me its better...so we will see.Its basically going to be the same as blurty, so you dont have to check both I guess...Ok im out.You Have Magical Boobs!Your boobs have a total hyponotic effect on menForget what the rest of you looks like, you're a perfect tenYour breasts are perky, shapely, and just the right sizeYou'll use them to your advantage, if you're wiseWhat's Good About Your Boobs?More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva